Winter Fair 2017
14th December 2017
Dairy Shorthorn
Bushmills Prophets Petal 1st heifer in milk, Heifer Champion & Hon Ment Dairy Shorthorn Champion
Priestland Dreamer B Ryann 2nd Maiden Heifer & Reserve Junior Champion
Sandyford Real Punch 2nd cow with 2 calves class
Priestland 6135 Solomon Ambrosia 2nd heifer born after 1/6/16
Priestland 5870 Sid Delicate 3rd heifer born between 1/6/15 - 31/5/16
Priestland 5770 Sid Ambrosia 3rd Sr heifer in milk class
Priestland 5446 Shot J Rose 2nd cow with 3 calves & Reserve Holstein Champion
Priestland 5206 Goldwyn Delicate 2nd place cow with 4+ calves & Exhibitor bred
Priestland 4951 Shot Bedazzle 2nd place in 50 tonne class
Priestland 5446 Shot J Rose -Reserve Interbreed Supreme Champion