Show Scene
1st April 2015
March was a busy month for the show scene.
At the beginning to the month we headed across the Irish sea to the UK Dairy Expo in Carlisle. On this occasion we took a dairy shorthorn, an ayrshire and a jersey. Our dairy shorthorn (Marleycote Princess Jill 31) won her class and was awarded Dairy Shorthorn Champion with best udder of the show and I believe (according to the crowd) was a close contender for the supreme champion. The jersey was Bluegrass Bobs Jane Russell. She was placed first in the 3year old class and was awarded best jersey udder of the show and Honourable Mention Champion. The ayrshire with us was Marleycote Sea Lily 14. She was placed second in the senior cow class behind Loukat Lucky who went on to be awarded ayrshire champion.
On the 13th March we went to the Irish National Holstein Show with 7 holsteins.
Ellie won the junior young handler
Heifer born between 13/09/13 and 12/03/14 - Priestland 5615 Fever Dellia was placed 4th
Heifer not calved - Priestland 5446 Shot J Rose was placed 2nd
Dry Cow - Hyclass Roy Anna was placed 1st
Junior heifer in milk - Priestland 5366 Windbrook Laurel was placed 3rd
Senior heifer in milk - Priestland 5206 Goldwyn Delicate was placed 4th
Second calver class - Priestland 5235 PS James Rose was placed 5th and Priestland 5159 Damion Chanel was placed 6th