Co Fermanagh Show 2014
6th August 2014
There was a good turn out of dairy stock at Fermanagh's county show. Proceedings were swift with the holstein and coloured breeds judge Wallace Gregg and the All-Ireland interbreed judge David Boyd.
Young Handlers
Under 14 years - 1st Karen Gunn 2nd Ellie Mclean
15-17 years - 1st Laura Gunn 2nd Trent Brown
Holstein Classes
Calf born in 2014 - 1st Priestland 5615 Fever Dellia 2nd Priestland 5622 Goldsun Barbie
Heifer in milk - 1st Priestland 5235 Shot J Rose
Cow in milk - 1st Priestland 4951 Shot Bedazzle 2nd Priestland 5171 Damion Annice
Holstein Champion - Priestland 4951 Shot Bedazzle
Reserve Holstein Champion Priestland 5235 Shot J Rose
All-Ireland Interbreed Classes
Babe of the Year - 1st Priestland Fever Dellia 2nd Priestland Goldsun Barbie
Dairy Heifer Championship - 1st Priestland 5235 Shot J Rose
Best pair of Dairy Heifers - 1st McLean Family
Supreme Interbreed Dairy Champion - Priestland 4951 Shot Bedazzle
Reserve Interbreed Dairy Champion - Priestland 5171 Damion Annice